Back Porch represents our easy drinking wines. Light and refreshing, these wines are great on a hot summer day, or in the fall by a fire. Drink them as is (preferably chilled), but they also make VERY nice sangrias.
Try a Back Porch wine today!

Apple flavored wine, light and crisp. Great for… where else? A Back Porch!
Preferably chilled

Peach flavored wine, light and sweet. This is both soft and subtle.
Preferably chilled

Pear flavored wine, sweet and crisp. Distinctively nuanced.
Preferably chilled

Pomegranate flavored wine, sweet and light. Great in a sangria.
Preferably chilled

A sweet easy drinking wine, full of raspberry and dragonfruit flavor. Great with friends, by the pool or in a sangria.
Preferably chilled